Achieving the ideal weight
Activated Charcoal
Alzheimer's: Keeping your mind sharp!
Alzheimer's, Stroke & Parkinson's
Anemia: How To Have Good Blood
Armageddon: Earth's final war!
Arthritis: Don’t Let Joint Pain Slow Your Journey
Autoimmune Inflammatory Disease
Back Pain: My secrets on how I’ve helped others.
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: When you can't pee
Cancer: Is there hope?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Character: The High Destiny of Our Work
Coffee Anyone?
Coronavirus: Is your Immune System Prepared?
Covid Vaccine Conundrum
Diabetes: The Butter With The Sweet
Drug Medication - The Sound of the 4th Angel
Entering into Healthy Rest
Far As The Curse is Found: Childhood Emotional Trauma
Feasting On His Love
Fermented food? Vinegar, Sourdough, Mushrooms?
Final Generation
Forgiveness, the Rose on top of Thorns
Forgiven-ness: Forgive one another as I have forgiven you
Glorify God in your Body
Glutamate: The Taste That ...
Gratitude: If We Would Be But More Grateful
Heads or Tails
Health & Spirituality
Health By Faith
Healthy 100: Breaking the Age Barrier
Heart Burn, Indigestion, Reflux disease! Is there a Cure?
Holy Spirit Person
Hydrotherapy or Water Therapy
Hypertension: Control it Naturally
Ill Gotten Gain & the Wages of $IN
Is Vaccination An Issue Of Conscience
Issues in Faith
Judgment and Mental Health
Lifestyle Choices: Applying principles in your life
Lost Tribe of Israel (Gossip)
Lung Health
Mandatory Health Care: Are You Game?
Medical Interventions, Are they from God?
Marijuana, do you need it?
Mold: The Hidden link to disease.
Monosodium Glutamate: Super Flavor Enhancer
Natural Kidney Health
Natural Thyroid Health
Neuroplasticity: the Brain that is Changing Itself (Julie)
Not Forsaking the Assembling
Osteoporosis, Nothing to Crack up about!
Parkinson's disease today.
Paul's Stress Management
Peace and Rest For The Stressed
Pleasures for Evermore: What brings you pleasure?
Prophetic Significance of Climate Change Movement
Prophetic Significance of 9/11, Post 2001
Prophetic significance of the Seventh-day Adventist church
Prostate Cancer: Mending the Fence Before...
Sanctuary Health - Health & Purity
Say Cheese
Search Me Oh God: Disease a call to self-examination
Seventh-Day Adventist Church: Who or What shall Stand?
Spiritualistic Practices in Healthcare to avoid
Stress Management God's Way
The Cholesterol Story! Are you fighting heart disease?
The Cocoa Romance: The universal love affair with chocolate
The Progressive Diet & Dishes that ruin your spirituality
Three Fold Union
What about Juicing?
Where Science and Sabbath Contend
Why Charcoal?
Why Country Living?
Why Vaccinations?
Do God's Children Take Vaccinations?
Dr. Clark's Zoom Talks